Friday, September 9, 2011

Pet Rabbits

# I wrote this long back when I was in school, just happened to come across it...

Darting like two arrows
Through the lush green grass,
Ran the two rabbits-
Balls of fat cotton mass.

They halted abruptly
By the sound of our call.
They came back reluctantly
Up to the wall.

We gave them carrots
And alfalfa and cabbage;
Their hunger being great
They ate like savage.

And as for salad
They prefer the salt,
Lickin' us all over
With no desire to halt.

It still flashes in my memory-
Their rosy pink soft ears,
Their warm fluffy bodies,
My eyes get filled with tears.

Their vain attempts to attack,
Their successful bites and scratches,
Their peaceful snoring sleep,
The ruby eye that watches.

Ears that prick to the faintest sound,
Fast heavy breathing,
Thumping sounds they make with their feet
When enemy is approaching.

Jumping high, crouching low-
The countless days went by
Till I was forced to count them
And all of it seemed a lie.


7th September, 2011

Today I won’t stretch myself. Because I don’t want to. I feel strangely relaxed and a desire to pamper myself. It’s a good mood to be in, I’ll say, but I don’t know how long it will last. At the moment, frankly, I don’t care. But in retrospect, considering all that have been going on throughout the past few days, my mood swings haven’t been something you would call rare. I mean, at times I have felt, like, abnormally elated, you know, and so much in love with everything around me and proud to own the things that are mine. And quite quickly, a sudden fit of anger. Sometimes guilt. Sometimes jealousy. Sometimes hopelessness. Sometimes inferiority.  Sometimes claustrophobic. Sometimes... many times...

Throughout the day, I think, I’ve wanted to write at least four different articles at four different times, in four different moods, titled: Raw, B and M, Pursuit, Silver and Gold. I don’t remember what B and M meant, obviously it had a full form but I just wrote down B and M in the margin of my notebook and now I don’t remember. I’ll have to wait, I guess, and hope that the mood will come back, sooner or later. Hey ‘Cosmic Conspiracy’ could also be one!

Anyway, I am kinda happy, so I guess that suffices at the moment and there’s no need to elaborate. Actually, you know what, I cannot elaborate. Not because I don’t have words or I don’t have time or I don’t remember but because I am so full of things to write that I can’t write any of them! And if I do attempt to do so, I’ll get so much into that single thing that I won’t remember the others anymore.(Collapse of the wave function)

Okay, things are not as hopeless as they seem. You know what I’ll do? I’ll open several word files, one for each article, and I’ll randomly type whatever comes to my head regarding it. Things may get mixed, articles may converge, and it might be a mess. So be it. The storm can’t go on forever. It’ll finally settle down. For gravity if not for anything else.

# A beep, a message, and then total mood reversal. I won’t react now because I am expected to be sleeping. But what shall I do about the heartbeats?
Okay, I’ve written this new article called ‘Fast Forward’. It includes the Cosmic Conspiracy concept. AND it reflects my current mood! :P