Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Crisis Again (but fainter...)



I was almost going to post this on my Instagram story because it resonated with me on some level, or wanted a certain someone to see it to understand, with a slight bend towards coercive social shaming that this is one proud way to live, in fact the trendier one. Maybe I wanted to shame other people too, I don’t know. Or maybe I didn’t want to, I was just considering the implication of doing that. Because that is what it would mean had I shared it to my story. But I didn’t because it did not resonate with me on that level. 

Yes, I do think I am indeed that kind of a rebel. And I am happy to see I am not alone. And I do see other people caged (but who is to say I have no cages?). But I don’t think it is wise to look down upon another person’s experience, even if it might feel like it is spiritually backward. First of all, needing to look down on other people’s life choices and feel extremely snug and proud about your own, in order to feel good, shows a poor source of confidence for your own choices. It is a trauma response. Interestingly enough, going through that stage is a necessity though. For the ego and for forward propulsion out of the injured state. I did go through that stage, I look back now and think. Identifying with the song “I’m an Albatross” exemplifies this avatar. Or archetype, if you’ll call it that. You need to become ‘something’ to handle ‘something’. You could choose either, based on which something you can control. It’s an interesting topic to delve into.

I'm an Albatross:

After realizing how much bucketloads of crap I had put up with because of the 2018 drama in my life (it was very shaming in some way, hard to explain. Kind of like, someone looking at your most vulnerable parts and laughing at them… ), I became dead focussed on ‘sanity’ and ‘normalcy’. I had zero tolerance for bullshit. But honestly, the drama was a blessing in disguise and I knew it on some level even then. I was now a fierce tiger and dealt excellently with any bullshit coming my way. I also got blessed with amazing people who are my best friends even today and my most favorite condo in Tempe. It felt like magic, like God was blessing me. I shed off weight by disconnecting from the old. Any weird stuff coming my way slipped off me like water droplets off a lotus leaf. My fighting spirit intact, I felt invincible. And then the epitome of sanity and normalcy and beauty and harmony, cherry on the cake, was delivered to my doorstep as my roommate who then became my boyfriend.

I held on to this trajectory even through the difficult times that followed. I fought through and achieved heart-warming success because my conviction was strong and my goal seemed closer than ever. I was indulging in it all, perhaps refusing to see when the trajectory had changed and got out of my control. I was after all not as powerful as I thought. I am only human (and everybody else I thought as fools in the past were humans too). And the goal I thought was attainable turned out to be a pipe dream. Thus, it is a thing to have strong convictions and fight for them. It is also a thing to be humble enough to realize some of your convictions may be faulty or erroneous. I guess that’s what we mean when we say we are all searching for the Truth. And then religion has tried to answer this question, and so has capitalism or socialism or any other forms of philosophy. But religion does not give a direct answer and instead has all these twisted messages that one is supposed to interpret and make sense of. Whatever that means, one thing seems clear to me, that the answer is subjective. Otherwise, the answer would be known by now that we have been around for thousands of years. We are all on a journey.

The motive to me seems, is to live your best life. And keep in mind ‘best’ is subjective too. Basically, it means do your best - and that’s so vague, lol, I really love that we have such words which have an exact meaning but are still so unspecific. Anyway, for most part, it means attaining awesome states of mind, living inside a healthy body, enjoying and seeking sensations that Nature has to offer. And the way to do that depends on how we are able to synergize our internal experience with the external. Both of these can be tweaked, and so the confusion arises how to go about it. Honestly, it is a different dimension and we cannot fathom it. But we are able to go one step at a time, and then the integration will cause a movement in this dimension, like the integral of dx in mathematics (lol). The problems that might arise are: someone might pursue ecstasy, or someone might use negative experiences to determine their path (because those are more easy to know clearly). The right thing will just feel right, and you will know it if you let yourself know it.

So, how about the relatively recent 'crisis'? Without the minimal social support I had before I couldn’t be a fighter anymore. It will take a while to figure out what exactly happened with me. But this is not the first time I have experienced a crisis like this. At this point, I just realize there is so much to learn and accept that I don’t yet. I want to get to know myself better - but there’s no saying that that’s something unchanging (gotta find out too about what it is that’s constant). And which aspect is the dragon? And I guess at some point I will have to submit to whatever archetype is taking over me because that would be the next stage of development. Sitting on the fence is not an option (but still required for some time for the sake of healing). This avatar would rise and then it would fall and crash again. And I would still be okay. My previous crisis was guilt, and now my crisis is fear. I just have to carry it with me and caretake it and it will disappear via assimilation. I’ll be fine. I’ll be better than fine.

Monday, March 16, 2020


 I was inspired to resume writing when I recently read an article that reminded me of me - the way I drew analogies from life. I was like, why did I ever stop? Thoughts flit through my mind and are lost without a trace, like a particle-antiparticle pair created from nothing and destroyed unto nothing. Fatigue seems to have caught up with me, years of struggling to just make it over the line. Whatever another may argue, I think it was necessary. There was no other way to get what I want. Such is the world.

I thought I'd start with this topic about selfishness because it is my immediate answer to the article I just read. Although I have never before thought of the world the way the author does, I agree in many ways. I do think there is no universal one size fits all and some people are always going to suffer. Sometimes it's their own fault, sometimes it is not. Well, 'fault' itself is a hard-to-define word. There is no justice in this world, I believe that strongly. So, what is my response? I want to protect my soul in this cold, cold world. I am not saying people are bad, but they are all flawed and destructive, including myself. And most importantly, everybody has very limited knowledge and are making life decisions through games they don't even know they are playing. 'Why' seems to be a long forgotten word.

Given now that I was born into this mad world, I need to find the treasure that is mine, that is hidden, but I can get there. Most people don't even believe they can have a treasure! But sadly, some of them actually don't. Some people are so deep inside the well that they can probably never get out. They say, you can do anything - but that is bullshit. Some people are mentally disabled, they can't do 'anything'. Some people are poor. There are millions of other problems that people suffer from. But life is still worth living if you believe in it. They accept that suffering will always be a part of their life and make peace with it (a relevant religion or philosophy definitely helps). Having thus conquered pain, they set a realistic goal that can make their life better. In this process, they are able to live through the same emotional states another more privileged person is able to live through. Maybe even better. And thus they win at life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I've Moved!

I have been inactive for a long time now, and I've grown pretty far away from this blog. Other things have crowded my mind and I have found another place to express them. Still, everything I've written here remain near and dear and VALID (in the sense, many people I know deny what they wrote years ago but I don't.) I think it's a mood thing and if it comes back, I'll be back too.

Here's a link to where I'm writing nowadays:
It has got exciting articles written by authors from various parts of the world. It is a colourful rainbow of 'Stories and Opinions' and I recommend it to all. :)

P.S. All my attempts at reconstructing old incomplete articles have failed. I guess it requires a miracle to live the same moment twice. Even if it is only inside your head.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Welcome Back!

I suppose that’s appropriate.

It’s been a good long break and I don’t know if I have changed after all this while. Well, maybe you can judge for yourselves. I guess I have. I guess I have learnt to accept many things, so that I can now proceed towards a new direction and play with a new flurry of doubts. Aah doubts, my old friend. Good thing about doubts are that once they go, they go forever.

There is some stability in my mind. There’s more certainty. I know, even vaguely if so, what I want out of life. I think calming the hormones early by giving into the temptations is a necessity ;) It works in much more complex ways than you can think!

It has been hectic, and now I want to relax and unwind, mostly. I am even thinking of writing a book. And doing some painting.

There were lots of blog articles on the rack that I had never completed. I’ll try to wrap them up, wherever possible. Sadly, the limitations of human memory will let a few articles remain incomplete forever. Some unsaid words will be lost, leaving no ghosts behind. 

So here begins a train of those few articles that I could give some shape to. Frankly, it is not easy trying to see things from the same eyes that saw a year ago. I look back at myself... so much energy, so much enthusiasm, so much to express, so much spark – all mostly scattered and wasted without any direction. I don’t know why I did not understand, actually I never knew that people can be so serious- but they are! If I would have a time turner like Hermione, I would go back to my old self and tell her, tenderly, lovingly...well, I still don’t think I would understand. Hmm, maybe the experiences were just plain necessary.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


“You just don’t understand me!!”


The high-rise skyscrapers, the huge supercomputers, the swiftest Concorde are the first few technological marvels achieved by mankind that come to my mind. But what set us off in this direction, drawing a sharp line between humans and all other animals? 

Experts often say it’s the invention of language that gave us the edge. Our ability to communicate with each other using the spoken language allowed us to convey information in a near-perfect syntax that is difficult to misunderstand, and thus helped us build teams, raise empires and colonise Earth like never before. Research is still going on in order to establish if languages had a common origin or a handful of them originated separately at different times and in different places. I support the latter view because given a head full of intelligence, imagination and the desire to share the excitement, inventing a language is the most natural thing to do.

Thousands of years ago, there was a little honeybee who danced for both pride and joy at having found some nectar, and to attract the attention of the other members of his hive who had previously never really thought much of him. There was also a certain single crab who was waving his claws, desperately trying to attract the attention of the pretty females who had their noses high up in the air (only figuratively), pretending to look at the leaping whales in the distance as more and more whales joined in the action. Far, far away there was a fluffy white rabbit with red eyes who shuddered at the noises a female gorilla was making to pacify her husband who was doing nothing but sticking out his tongue, and the rabbit was so terribly concerned about her sisters that she repeatedly jumped on her hind legs to make loud tapping sounds that would scare her sisters away from that place. 

This happened all the time. And the little rabbits slowly learnt to tap their feet to warn all the others of possible danger. However, there was one particular rabbit called Miffy who was very naughty, or so they said, because she used to play pranks on all the other rabbits by tapping her feet even when there was no danger and thus sending them off scurrying frantically. They said she enjoyed it and that she had a hearty laugh each time she did that. Some even said that she was mean, that she misused the tapping to send off other rabbits whenever she found reserves of lush green food that she did not want to share with anybody else. 

Little did anyone realise that Miffy was grossly misunderstood. Contrary to popular belief, as a child, Miffy used to be a shy little rabbit lost in her own world. Busy building her own castles in the air, she never pretty much looked around to see what the other rabbits were up to. While the other rabbits learnt about the tapping, Miffy was busy chewing a particularly juicy patch. However, Miffy was an obedient child and always ran away from somewhere if her mother bid her to (by giving her a push). She never knew what they were running from but she could see the contagious fear in their eyes; she had never paid enough attention to realise that it was mostly the tapping that was followed by the scurrying. In fact, she did not know how the tapping sounded, for even though there were certain times when she heard them, she never remembered them, always diluting the memory with those of other jungle sounds.

Miffy wasn’t dumb, if that is what you might be thinking. She was pretty intelligent, curious and creative, but her energy was directed towards other things- those which most other rabbits found uninteresting. 

One cloudy day, Miffy was playing about in the dust under the banyan tree all by herself when quite accidentally, she discovered that she could make a peculiar sound by tapping her hind legs. She enjoyed it immensely. To add to her amusement, all the rabbits nearby scurried away in fear, as if there was some danger! So funny, she thought, and she used this newly learnt technique to scare the others whenever she wanted a little laugh.

Poor Miffy! She never understood why some of them disliked her so much!

Well, if Miffy was a human, someone could have just spoken to her but Alas! Anyway, that was a little story just to amuse you. Of course it’s not irrelevant, and you know that too. 

So coming back to our discussion, I want to ask you, how many languages do you know? If my alter ego was reading this article, she would have thought inside her mind: “English (fluently), Hindi (fluently), Bengali (fluently), Telugu (poorly), French (poorly), C++ (fluently)”, just as she had entered them in a certain website.

Is it, then, that a person who does not know any of these languages can’t communicate with me? Of course he can! Well, he could draw pictures (you must have surely played Pictionary sometime!), or he could make gestures with his hands (hope he knows more than one way of saying it when he wants me to go away :P ), or he could make expressions on his face, and, if he’s inventive, he could perhaps do much more...

Didn’t you ever feel ‘spooky’ when a friend of yours told you EXACTLY what was on your mind? Haven’t you ever had a conversation with a BSNL mobile number, where the signals suck so bad that most of the time you are just guessing what the other person is saying, and yet talk for an hour? And don’t you see movies where two humans of opposite genders bounce photons off each other’s retina and immediately know what to do next?

That’s some communication.

And theses definitely ARE languages.

Some Languages are taught in school. Some are instinctive. The rest are learnt by observation. There is no room for ambiguity in C++ (or is there?), few in the spoken languages taught in school (we call it subtlety and we love it), but the rest abound in ambiguity due to lack of any kind of standardisation and a general assumption that a child will ‘learn them naturally’. And therein lies its beauty, and therein lies its flaws.

The first step towards learning a language is association. You associate a certain representation with an object/idea. That representation could be a word, gesture, etc unique to that object/idea. (Can we give EVERYTHING a name? Scientists routinely christen new bacteria, the IUPAC has its own rules of nomenclature, but can you name a new ‘feeling’? It will most probably be named after The kind of ‘association’ we are talking about is highly statistical. The more number of times you see two things happening at the same time, the more you establish a relationship between them inside your mind. In school, you teacher says ‘apple’ and shows you the picture of an apple. 

On somewhat similar lines, people establish causal relationships between various happenings. Characters, motives, etc are literally read off people by their appearance and behaviour. But these kinds of languages can be easily misunderstood.

And this is what bothers me at the moment.

Some people are very good at these unspoken languages. Especially those who are less mathematical (well, statistics say so). These are the people who are observant. I’ll in fact classify these people into two groups: one, who can read people’s moods/feelings and two, who can read people’s background/motives. Well, they have bothered to observe boring people, they deserve the cookies.

I’ll take the license to set off another tangent now...

Why do we standardise things? We want less chaos, less ambiguity. The Standard International Conference on Weights and Measures happened because we wanted to mean the same things when talking about quantities. The IUPAC met so that from hence two chemists will know exactly which chemical they are talking about.

Feynman, if I remember right, was very fond of using symbols of his own invention in Trigonometry. He sure provided a key for the reader but he soon realised that people in general couldn’t appreciate his work because they had a hard time reading it. They had learnt in their school to represent sine as sin, cosine as cos, not as some weird symbols. Feynman was in fact asking them to learn a new language before reading his book! He was, however, an intelligent fellow, and soon realised the merits of following a uniform language.

In the mean time, in a small town far away, around midnight, the police arrested a prostitute who was waiting in a dark alley in a red-light area. The girl vehemently claimed that she wasn’t one, but then, everybody does that on getting arrested, isn’t it? However, does waiting in a dark alley in a red-light area at midnight amount to prostitution? In the language the policeman has learnt, certainly yes. 

Now we have in the spotlight, a saga of tragedies that arise whenever the people involved do not speak the same language. This happens every day, isn’t it?

Let’s have a countdown. Top five.

5. Person who drinks/smokes/does drugs is definitely bad, without a second thought.

4. The girl wearing short dresses is surely trying to attract the attention of the guys, and she would welcome that attention. 

3. A person is ignoring another person because he/she is not interested in that person anymore.

2. That person who is wearing rich clothes and not mingling with the crowd must be very high-headed.

1. One person just behaves sweetly to another person from the opposite gender, and I need to mention more?

0. (Sorry for cheating, I just had to add this point.) This person who doesn’t do things in the normal way is one heck of a rebel! Or a wannabe weirdo...

Although the above might be true in most cases, it can never be 100% deterministic. So as long as there is a tiny bit of probability of non-convention, why be prejudiced? ‘Prejudice’ is a wrong word here. I mean, of course, it is prejudice but it sounds too negative for its meaning in this context. Suppose you start investing with various people, over time you’ll understand which kind of people to trust and which kind not to. So this is some kind of knowledge gained based on statistical associations, on the basis of which you judge people/situations. It is also called ‘experience’. And it is very, very necessary. How else will you learn?

Isn’t it funny that in the above sentence I have, kind of, equated ‘prejudice’ and ‘experience’?

Trusting experience is good but one should always be ready to face exceptions.

Leaving this vagueness hanging about like that, maybe I’ll end this article now, on a personal note. I’m sleepy, anyway. I just hope you aren’t dozing off on your keyboard yet.

It goes without telling that I have written this article because I feel that I have been misunderstood and I have misunderstood the society all along. As the unspoken language of the society dawns on me, I am reluctant to accept it. It’s as if by the way you dress, the way you talk and the way you behave, you are telling something to the people around you- it’s a language. It’s never a reflection of who you are, really. It’s rather, what you want to tell others about yourself. If you want to tell people, “Hey, I’m rich!” you’ll wear fine clothes or casually talk about certain expensive jewellery, or you want to tell them, “Look, I’ve got really hot legs!” you’ll wear short clothes. It’s unlikely that you felt like doing it just like that, or perhaps your dress made you feel like some childhood hero of yours, or  they were gifted to you by someone special and you were just remembering them, though all of this is probable, and I sympathise with you if this is the case.(That doesn't mean I wouldn't wear short dresses to show off. It just means that it's not always the reason.)

At least, this solves an old puzzle for me: Why Sonia Gandhi wears sari when she has a figure good enough for jeans and she would look much better in them.

I feel I am beginning to understand this kind of language a little too late (I’m 20 now!!), and I have no idea that’s good or bad. I’m just feeling a little unsettled. I’m realising how big a role it can play: WHAT I PORTRAY. And with all my heart, I really dislike this language. It has caused people to have a lot of false expectations from me, and consequently the other way round. (Who is to blame: they, who misunderstood?  Or me, who 'told' things I never meant to?)

But I guess, even if I decide not to speak this language, it is good to learn it since majority of the people DO speak this language. And it’s a kind of practical knowledge and I might need to use it sometimes. I can just take consolation in the fact that I need not be the person I show people I am.

However, I want to continue exploring possibilities and interpretations but I am not sure if it will have very pleasant consequences, and also if it will be a foolish thing to do or a really noble one.

Well, who knows?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pet Rabbits

# I wrote this long back when I was in school, just happened to come across it...

Darting like two arrows
Through the lush green grass,
Ran the two rabbits-
Balls of fat cotton mass.

They halted abruptly
By the sound of our call.
They came back reluctantly
Up to the wall.

We gave them carrots
And alfalfa and cabbage;
Their hunger being great
They ate like savage.

And as for salad
They prefer the salt,
Lickin' us all over
With no desire to halt.

It still flashes in my memory-
Their rosy pink soft ears,
Their warm fluffy bodies,
My eyes get filled with tears.

Their vain attempts to attack,
Their successful bites and scratches,
Their peaceful snoring sleep,
The ruby eye that watches.

Ears that prick to the faintest sound,
Fast heavy breathing,
Thumping sounds they make with their feet
When enemy is approaching.

Jumping high, crouching low-
The countless days went by
Till I was forced to count them
And all of it seemed a lie.